Month: June 2013

Set Default Network Interface In Ubuntu

If you have two network interface in your Ubuntu eth0 and usb0 and the default network interface is eth0 but you want to use usb0 for internet connection. To make this happen you must set usb0 as your default interface so that when you need to access something that isnt located in the eth0 interface local network, usb0 will be used. For example you have a phone and you want its data connection to be tethered to your Ubuntu desktop. Once connected to your desktop it registered as usb0. So now you have both eth0 and usb0 interface registered and you want usb0 to be used for internet connection but still want to be able to connect to a computer that resides in eth0 local network and eth0 network also have an internet connection. By default eth0 will always be used since it it will be more likely the default interface. Continue reading

Debian/Ubuntu Handy apt Commands

When I first got on the Linux boat I only know that apt-get is a command to either install or remove a package from the system and only used the Synaptic Package Manager for searching packages. After a long time using Debian/Ubuntu I got to know some handy apt commands.

Here are the list of apt commands that I know right off the top of my head.

apt-get install [package name]

I think this is the first command that all people learned when they first tried Linux using Debian or Ubuntu. This command will install the package with the package name you entered

apt-get update

This command will update your systems record/cached packages list using the locations in your sources list.

apt-get remove [package name]

If you want to remove a specific package you can use this command.

apt-get purge [package name]

This command is the same as “remove” and will also remove its configuration files.

 apt-cache search [package name]

You can use this command if you dont know the exact package name. This will search the package in your systems cached packages and return the results so running apt-get update is advisable before you use this.

apt-get upgrade

This will update all packages that are installed in your system.

apt-get dist-upgrade

This will upgrade your system distribution to the latest one if its already available so this also perform the upgrade command

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