Tag: VPS

Setting Up A Linux, Nginx, MySQL & PHP (LEMP) Stack On Debian 7

This will be a tutorial for setting up your own LEMP stack on Debian 7 Wheezy. This might be also used for installing one on Ubuntu but is not guaranteed.

LEMP Stack?

LEMP is almost the same with a LAMP stack but the Web server part is replaced with Nginx. LEMP is an acronym for a software bundle of Linux, Nginx(for E), MySQL and PHP. Sometimes any of this softwares gets replaced like MySQL can sometimes be replaced with MariaDB and PHP either Perl or Python. Continue reading

Setting Up A Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP (LAMP) Stack On Debian 7

This will be a tutorial for setting up your own LAMP stack on Debian 7 Wheezy but this might also work for Ubuntu but is not guaranted.

What Is LAMP?

LAMP is an acronym for a software bundle that is Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP. There are already available installer for this software stack like XAMPP which can be easily installed but if you want to setup your own LAMP stack using Debian aptitude then please read on. Continue reading

Setting Up Your First Debian/Ubuntu VPS

After you have created your first VPS, your VPS provider should give you the credentials for logging in through ssh. For Linux users you can just type into the terminal:

 ssh [user]@[your-vps-ip]

For Windows user you can download Putty an application that can be used for ssh. Now connect to your VPS through ssh. I assume you are now using the root user.

Update/Upgrade Server

Make sure that your server is updated. Type in:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Change “root” Password

This part is optional, if you want to change the “root” password to something that you will be able to remember then use the below command otherwise move on to “Secure ssh”


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